Tuesday, October 25, 2011

True friends sacrifice sleep.

I woke up this morning at 5:30 so that I could follow through on my best-friend-duties. Typically, since my babysitting job is in the afternoon/evenings, I typically don't get out of bed until about 9:00 AM. This morning, however, I agreed to take my best friend in the world to his functional testing. This is a two to four hour long test on how well he functions: how long can he stand? sit? how much can he lift? et cetera. After being seen by the Social Security Administration as disabled, he has decided to utilize DARS (the Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services) in order to possibly go back to work. Through this process, though, DARS is requesting a functional test to see what he is capable of. And so, being the amazing friend that I am, I agreed to take him to his testing and pick him up, since I'm sure he will be in too much pain to drive.

Sometimes I wonder what he deals with that I do not. Unfortunately, my best friend and I deal with a lot of the same aches and pains. We have both had identical spinal fusion surgeries (both at the L5-S1, I might add), both have degenerative disc disease, both deal with a plethora of mental issues - including PTSD... and yet he has been approved by the government to get paid to sit at home while I scrape by on minimal means. Obviously, I'm not upset with him; it's the government... but I won't get political on here. I just don't understand and the lack of sense of it makes me so upset.

Nonetheless, he is still my best friend and I love him, like woah. :)

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