Friday, December 16, 2011

Almost 30 weeks.

Well, tomorrow will be thirty weeks into this pregnancy of mine. I can't believe that I only have 10 weeks left until I meet my little peanut!! I'm so excited. :) Everyone is so anxious to meet her, but I don't think anyone is as anxious as I am. Sure, it might partly be because I am sooooo tired of being pregnant, but hey, can you blame me?! This third trimester is really taking a toll on me. My husband can't understand why all I do is eat, sleep, and pee. I've tried to explain that I'm just preparing him for all that the baby will do. 

My back is suddenly starting to hate this pregnancy, too. I've had back problems my entire life (thanks, Granny, for passing those genes along) but I've been so lucky as to not have any more problems than usual for the first two trimesters. Sure, it sucks not being on pain medication and I've had to get creative in how I lay down and whatnot, but it's been pretty good. Now, all of sudden, my back is flipping me off, telling me that it's over this whole pregnancy thing - and all I can think is, "Me too!!" I know these last ten weeks will fly by; I just hope to get through them without any more trips to the emergency room because of my back pain. 

The husband and I had a conversation last night about this possibly being our only child. Between the bipolar disorder getting so screwed up during pregnancy and my back issues, I don't know that I could go through this again. He said he was fine with that, and that he understood. I don't want to get my tubes tied or anything though, just in case we change our minds and by some miracle a doctor can completely fix my back. No burning any bridges for me. 

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