I appear to have gone MIA, have I not? Well, I went to the hospital. I ended up needing to be checked into an inpatient facility for the hallucinations, but it was exactly what I needed. I'm now feeling back to my normal self! I'm so much of my normal self that the husband & I have really been focusing on getting things ready for the baby. The crib is put together and spent the evening registering online. It was pretty fun ... and amusing. We were originally going to do the nursery in black, white, and red, as these colors help eye sight development in infants. And then we went on Walmart.com to register for the baby shower in January, and he found ... Winnie the Pooh. I died laughing when he just went on and on about HOW CUTE IT IS! It was precious to see him so wrapped up in all of it. So the room is now going to be Winnie the Pooh. :) I'm pretty excited. Things are really falling into place.
And now, to steal from my fellow blogger, Maria. :)
Would you rather live in the country or the city?
I would have to say the country. I grew up in the city, yet had a fascination for the country. Now, my husband and I live in 'the-middle-of-nowhere' and I absolutely love it. I can see the stars every night, there's privacy, and yet there's a sense of community out here. Even though I'm a good distance from my friends and family, I wouldn't change it.
Would you rather have a big noisy family or a small quiet one?
Hmm, I suppose if I had to choose, I would choose a small quiet one. I grew up with a big noisy family, but that usually means (at least in my case) that people aren't listening to each other. There's so much hustle and bustle that no one can keep up with when who is doing what, and people are left out a lot.
Would you rather read a book or play a game?
Definitely read. I'm more of a solitary type of person... and reading is always stimulating some part of the brain. I'm always learning or creating when I read. It's like a kind of high for me.
Would you rather eat a juicy steak or a well done one?
I always order medium-well, HOWEVER at this moment, I would looooove a nice, juicy, bloody steak. Since I'm pregnant, I have to be careful about eating meats that are not thoroughly cooked, so I've been eating them well done. Will definitely have to add 'rare steak' to the list of things to enjoy as soon as I have this kid. :)
Would you rather go to a chick flick or an action movie?
It truly depends on my mood. I enjoy both types of movies, but if I had to choose, I would probably choose an action movie - but I would want it to be a suspenseful, thought-provoking type of action movie. Like Se7en or the Butterfly Effect.
Would you rather study alone or study in a group?
Definitely alone. If you study in a group, you are still having to study all parts of it, so why even bother with the other people? Besides, I study best in well-lit, quiet rooms. People talking are not conducive to my ability to absorb information.
Would you rather look at the stars or watch the sun rise?
Watch the sun rise, only because I have the pleasure of seeing the stars almost every night, thanks to living in the country. A sunrise is usually a special occasion for me, accompanied with coffee and someone I care about deeply.
Would you rather be hot or cold?
My answer to this always has been, and always will be, cold. When you're cold, you can bundle up to be warmer. In the dead of summer - especially in Texas - you can only take so much off ... and then you're still hot. Besides, being cold usually also includes a comfy blanket, cozy socks, hoodies, hot chocolate, and cuddling with my husband. How can I go wrong with that? :)
Would you rather eat cake or pie?
Hmm, this is a tough one. I do love pie. Key lime pie and Jeff Davis pie are my absolute favorites. Although angel food cake and lemon cake are pretty amazing, I'm going to have to give this one to the pie.
Would you rather do the cooking or clean up the mess?
Definitely clean up the mess. I'm not a fan of cooking; I never have been, mostly because I was required to cook as a kid. It was never fun for me, so it still feels like a chore to this day. But I can clean anything. Maybe it's the OCD tendencies, or maybe it's the control freak in me that feels no one will ever clean it as well as I can. Besides, my husband is an amazing cook. Why should I take that away from him?
Would you rather write a letter or talk in person when you have something important to say?
Write a letter. I have always been able to express myself much better on paper. I have an opportunity to sort out my thoughts, figure out what I want to say, vent and then start over if needed, et cetera. Besides, letter writing is slowing becoming a lost art that I never want to forget.
Would you rather listen to opera or rap?
This is another one that usually depends on my mood. I enjoy lots of rap, but also enjoy opera. I'd probably go with opera, only because I listen to rap on a fairly regular basis. I don't have a lot of opera in my life; I'd like to change that.
Would you rather draw a picture or build something with legos?
I would most definitely rather draw. I've never been a big fan of Legos. It's probably because there's so much that truly goes into architecture. It's a field of science that I just don't enjoy. I'm an artsy person. (Honestly, I'd rather paint than draw, but that wasn't the question.)
Would you rather sing in public or dance in public?
I think I would rather dance in public. This is because I know that I'm not a great dancer and I don't mind making a fool out of myself for others' enjoyment. I do think, however, that I'm at least a decent singer - and have been told by others that I have a wonderful singing voice. This is why I don't sing in front of people. The thought of someone thinking that I sound awful is devastating to me; I don't want to think about being judged over something that I am passionate about.
Would you rather be a night owl or a morning glory?
I would have to choose morning glory. I am typically more of a night owl, but still end up waking up at a decent hour in the mornings. If I was a morning glory, perhaps I would actually get a decent amount of sleep. Although these days, I'd choose anything that lets me sleep. This pregnancy is not being kind to my sleep schedule.
Would you rather watch football or basketball?
Football, without a doubt. For whatever reason, if I enjoy playing a sport, I typically don't enjoy watching it. I'm not sure why that is. But I have no interest in watching basketball or volleyball, as I love playing both. On top of that, I grew up watching football. I live in Texas ... we're only truly serious about two things: football and prison.
Would you rather die fairly young but painlessly or die of old age but have the last ten years of your life be pretty brutal, healthwise?
I would actually choose dying of old age. My health has always been fairly shotty, so this wouldn't be such a drastic change for me. Also, you can have horrible health but still be able to enjoy life. Sometimes it's a matter of finding new things to enjoy and appreciate. Going for a stroll through the park in your wheelchair may be even more amazing than the jog that you took through the same park every day for 10 years. You learn to see more. And what's the point of living if you can't live long enough to truly enjoy and understand what life is all about?
Would you rather kiss someone with bad breath for five minutes or sit next to someone with horrible body odor for two hours?
I have a fairly terrible sense of smell, so I would choose the latter. Kissing someone is up close and personal, and uses more than just the sense of smell. I have been blessed to be able to sit next to people with terrible body odor and it not phase me as it does others.
Would you rather pet a dog or a cat?
I'm not a big fan of either, but I would choose a cat. Even though I'm not much of a domestic animal person, I typically like dogs better. But in this case, I would have to choose the cat. Dogs are so needy and attention-seeking. I don't like them enough to have them in my personal space for that long. You're done petting? Oh no, you're not! Cats are much more independent. The cat will get tired of you probably long before you get tired of the cat. I'm okay with that.
Would you rather walk in the rain or in steamy, hot weather?
I love the rain ... so very much. It has a cleansing property to it. It cools me down and makes me feel like I can make a new start on anything.
Would you rather see a ghost or witness a robbery?
I've seen plenty of ghosts before, so this is easy. I'm used to ghosts.
Would you rather tell someone you like a lot that their partner is cheating or that they've lost their job?
This is another tough one, but I think I would choose that they've lost their job. Both are shitty to have to tell someone, but at least the fact that they lost their job is something that is matter of fact. There aren't really many questions that can come after that. If you tell someone that their partner is cheating, then comes the, "Well how do you know?" "Did you see them?" "Who was he/she with?" "Are you just jealous because you're relationship isn't all that great right now, so you have to ruin mine?!" There's too much BS that can come along with that one.
Would you rather mow the lawn yourself or pay someone 20 bucks to do it and have an hour of "me" time?
Pay the money, in a heartbeat. One, I'm pregnant. Two, I have major back issues. And three, I hate mowing. Easy answer.
Would you rather climb a rock wall or swim a lap?
Both of these sound awful to me. I suck at rock climbing and I dislike swimming. I have a fear of drowning (which is ironic because I'm a Pisces). I guess I'd have to go with swimming the lap though. Of all of the times that I've done those rock climbing walls, I've never gotten over halfway up. I just don't have the upper body strength to do it. Even though I wouldn't like it, at least I know I'm physically capable of swimming a lap.
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